
At Esprit Brain Health, we are committed to providing cutting-edge therapies to support brain health and overall well-being. The Tomatis® Method is an integral part of our holistic approach, offering a powerful tool to help you achieve your cognitive, emotional, and physical potential.

Using the Tomatis® Method at Esprit Brain Health we harnesses the extraordinary potential of the ear, the most powerful sensory integrator in the human body. Accounting for over 80% of the brain's stimulation, the ear plays a crucial role in cerebral activation and influences the brain's plasticity significantly.



The Tomatis® Method is a unique, sound-based therapy designed to improve cognitive, emotional, and physical well-being through auditory stimulation. Developed by Dr. Alfred Tomatis, a French ear, nose, and throat specialist, this method harnesses the power of the ear—the body’s most powerful sensory integrator—to enhance brain function and promote overall health.


The Tomatis® Method uses specially designed equipment to deliver auditory stimulation through headphones. This stimulation involves a series of filtered sounds, primarily classical music and the human voice, which are tailored to the individual's specific needs. The process includes:

  1. Listening Sessions:

    • Individuals participate in listening sessions where they are exposed to the filtered sounds. These sessions aim to stimulate the brain and improve its ability to process auditory information.

  2. Gradual Progression:

    • The method follows a structured approach, gradually increasing the complexity of the sounds to challenge the brain and enhance its adaptive capacities.

  3. Ongoing Assessment:

    • Progress is regularly monitored and adjustments are made to the program to ensure optimal results.

Unlock Your Brain's Potential with Tomatis®

At Esprit Brain Health, we integrate the Tomatis® Method to provide tailored solutions for individuals of all ages and backgrounds. Whether you are a parent seeking help for your child, an adult looking to enhance your cognitive abilities, or a senior aiming to maintain your mental sharpness, the Tomatis® Method can be a powerful ally in your journey toward optimal brain health and well-being.

Contact us today to learn more about how the Tomatis® Method can benefit you or your loved ones.


2 week rental



2 week rental +
4 neurofeedback sessions



Optimize Your Brain from the Comfort of Your Home

Experience the transformative power of Tomatis® in the convenience of your own home with our 2-week rental.

Why Choose Tomatis®?

While many individuals thrive in the supportive environment of our offices, Tomatis® requires a daily commitment. Allowing clients to use the devise at home offers the flexibility to engage in the Tomatis® Method on your own schedule, in the comfort of familiar surroundings.

What You'll Receive:

Our Tomatis® Method Device Rental includes access to the professional-grade Tomatis® equipment, ensuring that you have the tools you need to embark on your auditory stimulation journey. You'll have the freedom to explore the benefits of the Tomatis® method at your own pace with daily sessions preprogrammed for your particular needs.

What to Expect:

The Tomatis® method is an individualized journey, with each participant experiencing unique outcomes based on their brain's adaptability and responsiveness to auditory stimulation. While some individuals may observe changes within the initial sessions, most will notice improvements after completing the two-week training program.

The Tomatis method protocol entails a two-week training period followed by a month-long break before transitioning to the next phase. This hiatus allows the brain to assimilate the information acquired during training. Therefore, it is advisable to incorporate neurofeedback sessions during the four-week period immediately following a round of Tomatis. The more sessions attended, the higher the potential for transformative results, as the brain adjusts and enhances its functioning with each auditory stimulation session.

Unlock Your Brain's Potential:

Whether you're seeking relief from symptoms of ADHD, anxiety, or insomnia, or simply looking to enhance your cognitive performance and overall well-being, our Tomatis® Method offers a convenient and effective solution. Take the first step towards a brighter, sharper, and more resilient mind today.

Who can benefit from


  • Children struggling with reading, writing, or other academic skills can benefit from the improved focus and cognitive function provided by the Tomatis® Method.

  • The method helps children with ADHD or ADD improve their concentration and manage their attention span better.

  • It offers significant support for children on the autism spectrum, helping with sensory integration, communication, and social interaction.

  • Children facing emotional regulation challenges or behavioral problems can find a calming and balancing effect through the Tomatis® Method.


  • Adults dealing with high stress levels or anxiety can use the Tomatis® Method to achieve better emotional regulation and relaxation.

  • Adults looking to enhance their learning capabilities or improve professional skills, such as public speaking and concentration, can benefit from the cognitive improvements offered by this method.

  • Professionals like singers, actors, and public speakers can use the Tomatis® Method to refine their vocal and communication skills.

  • It can assist in alleviating symptoms of depression by promoting a more balanced emotional state.


  • Seniors experiencing age-related cognitive decline can benefit from the cerebral stimulation and improved brain plasticity the Tomatis® Method provides.

  • The method helps in maintaining and improving motor skills and coordination, which can be particularly beneficial for seniors.

  • It supports emotional regulation, which can be crucial for seniors facing emotional or mental health challenges.

  • The Tomatis® Method aids in improving speech and language skills, beneficial for individuals with various speech and language disorders.

Specific Conditions

  • It helps individuals with sensory processing issues to better integrate sensory information, enhancing their overall functioning.

  • Individuals recovering from trauma or suffering from PTSD can use the method to achieve better emotional balance and cognitive stability.

  • Anyone seeking better emotional regulation and balance can benefit from the method’s calming and stabilizing effects.

  • Individuals looking to enhance their personal development, self-awareness, and overall well-being can find the Tomatis® Method to be a valuable tool.


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 Experience Optimal